In the year and a bit that I’ve had my iPhone it’s become pretty indispensible for me. I don’t need to use an alarm clock anymore, Clock does it for me. I don’t need to check my e-mail on a computer anymore, Mail does it for me. Maps acts as a great backup GPS device if my Magellan GPS unit doesn’t cut it (or if I forgot it at home) 🙂
Alongside the standard iPhone apps I’ve been trying out a bunch of apps from the Apps Store. I’m a “if I don’t get it in 5 or 10 minutes I’m getting rid of it” type of app user. So if something passes muster, and has stayed on the iPhone for a couple of months, it gets my stamp of approval.
Here’s a couple that are on my favorites list at the moment…this is part 1 of 2, the second part will be coming next week…
CardStar – Tired of carrying all your discount or membership cards? CardStar allows you to enter your membership card information from airlines, retailers, libraries and other businesses and where it can, creates bar codes so it can be scanned through, all through one app.
Echofon – Formerly Twitterfon, this is a Twitter client application. I like it because it does exactly what I need it to do and nothing more…view tweets, posts tweets, shortens URL links and block or follow users.
Flixster – What’s new or coming soon in the theatres, or on DVD this week? Want to know what the movie times are at your preferred theatre? What’s say about the movie? Want to review a movie and share it with friends on Facebook, Flixster or Netflix and vice versa? It’s all integrated into the app.
Flashlight – Need to find your way up to the cabin in the middle of nowhere? Need to get under the office desk to plug in a cord? Flashlight does it and allows you to pick colors and brightness. Again, it’s not fancy but it does exactly what I want it to do.
Scoremobile – Need to find out what the score is for your favorite team? Scoremobile provides that and live blog posts as games occur.