Sometimes it feels like running a blog is so…antiquated…

Typewriter keys in black and white
Photo Credit: Stitch via Compfight cc

I was just tinkering around on this site, upgrading some behind the scenes bits tonight and realized I hadn’t posted since January of this year. 8 months almost. Anything I’ve had to say has been co-opeted by other social media feeds like Twitter, Flickr/Instagram and the like, condensed down to 140 characters or a over-saturated picture. 🙂

While that’s great for just firing off a thought or a tidbit of what is holding my attention at the moment, the “old-fashioned way” of having something to say on your own blog seems almost…out of fashion now. I find I really have to think about what I have to say to really make a post seem…meaningful, with consideration and forethought… which seems to fly in the face of the always-on, instant messaging feedback social media seems to enable.

Anyways…I have been thinking of doing more posts in this corner of the interwebs. Still want to blog about fitness. I’m also thinking of writing up some posts on career related things. Observations, what I think are best practices for doing things. Talk more crafty things. Stay tuned….


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