Mid-Year Status Update…2018 Reading List

Well, it’s almost halfway through the calendar year and I thought it was time to do a quick status update on my reading list.

2018 started off strong but around April/May things dropped off for progress, but I consciously tried to pick it up again in June and am getting back into the groove of things. What I’ve learned is, I definitely struggle porting books on my commute to and from work as there’s usually not a ton of space to stand up and read. So, ebooks are the way to go this way; dead tree versions for home or on a long road trip.

All right, here are the books I’ve completed:

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  2. Succeeding with Agile – Mike Cohn
  3. Design Systems – Alla Kholmatova

Books I am partway through right now

  1. Thrive – Arianna Huffington (5%)
  2. Principles – Ray Dalio (7%)

My 2017 unread book “backlog” that is left

  1. Agile Testing – Lisa Crispin
  2. Coaching Agile Teams – Lyssa Adkins

The books I would like to squeeze in this year that are still unread:

  1. The Hard Things About Hard Things – Ben Horowitz
  2. Discipline Equals Freedom – Jocko Willink

And finally, the super stretch reading goals…looking less and less likely I’ll get to this but something to strive towards

  1. Seveneves by Neil Stephenson
  2. The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu

Extrapolating the rate at which I’m thinking I can get through this year, I’m targeting a total of 6 books read. Here’s hoping I can meet and exceed that!


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